Lycian Way map

Lycian Way map on Google maps

This map you can click and explore it little bit to get more understanding where the most popular Lycian Way attractions are located.

Lycian Way map on

This map you can use when you are on the trail. These are offline maps and you can download the marks indicating the Lycian Way.
Maps.Me can be downloaded from AppStore or Google Play. The use of this application is very simple, it does not require additional knowledge about file formats for maps and so on. Just download and use.
Here are the links to download:
App Store
Google Play

In order to have Lycian Way map offline you need to download a map of the region where you plan to hike. The application will offer to save the map as soon as you zoom in the region that interests you:
Maps.Me can be downloaded from AppStore or Google Play. The use of this application is very simple, it does not require additional knowledge about file formats for maps and so on. Just download and use.
Here are the links to download:
App Store
Google Play

In order to have Lycian Way map offline you need to download a map of the region where you plan to hike. The application will offer to save the map as soon as you zoom in the region that interests you:
The entire Lycian trail is marked on the map with a dotted line. Here is an example:
The entire Lycian trail is marked on the map with a dotted line. Here is an example:
BUT there are other trails on the map, so to make it simple we prepared a KMZ file of the Lycian Way map for you. After you click on the button below, you need to open this file in and this is how it is going to look:
BUT there are other trails on the map, so to make it simple we prepared a KMZ file of the Lycian Way map for you. After you click on the button below, you need to open this file in and this is how it is going to look:
Lycian way map

If you want to make a route along the Lycian Way, you can use the bookmarks and build a route between them. If you see that the route goes along a road for cars, you can zoom in and add another stop on the way. An example is on the video below:

If you want to make a route along the Lycian Way, you can use the bookmarks and build a route between them. If you see that the route goes along a road for cars, you can zoom in and add another stop on the way. An example is on the video below:
Lycian Way map on Maps.Me is also convenient because there are water points marked on the map with comments. So when you look at the map, you can estimate how much water you need to take with you for the day, which is very important when you backpack. To see water points you need to zoom in very close. Here is an example:
Lycian Way map on Maps.Me is also convenient because there are water points marked on the map with comments. So when you look at the map, you can estimate how much water you need to take with you for the day, which is very important when you backpack. To see water points you need to zoom in very close. Here is an example:
As you can see, navigation along the Lycian Way is very simple and does not require any special knowledge of specific map applications. Even if your phone is dead there are marks along the trail which will not let you getting lost.
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